Sunday, November 4, 2012

Second Chance Summer by Morgan Matson

Taylor Edwards’ family might not be the closest-knit—everyone is a little too busy and overscheduled—but for the most part, they get along just fine. Then Taylor’s dad gets devastating news, and her parents decide that the family will spend one last summer all together at their old lake house in the Pocono Mountains.

Crammed into a place much smaller and more rustic than they are used to, they begin to get to know each other again. And Taylor discovers that the people she thought she had left behind haven’t actually gone anywhere. Her former best friend is still around, as is her first boyfriend…and he’s much cuter at seventeen than he was at twelve.

As the summer progresses and the Edwards become more of a family, they’re more aware than ever that they’re battling a ticking clock. Sometimes, though, there is just enough time to get a second chance—with family, with friends, and with love

My review 

This  has got to be one of my favorite books of all time. Every thing felt so real. The emotions, the characters. Every word was a perfectly placed work of art. Taylor is used to running away from things, but one thing she can't out run is her father's dying wish to spend one last summer at the summer lake house they used to stay at every year up until Taylor was twelve. When she gets there, she tries to avoid her ex boyfriend/friend Henry, and her ex best friend, Lucy. At first, you don't know why they are mean to Taylor, but you find out why later on. The books shows flash backs from previous summers, and the story comes together beautifully. Taylor gets a job, and Lucy ends up working there too. At first she is an Ice queen, but then she warms up, and you get to love her. Henry was amazing too. You learn alot about him. There is enough drama/romance/heartbreak/loss/uncontrolableshakingsobbing to balance it all out. Prepare to bring the tissues!!!!!

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